第31届美国制片人工会奖 (2020)的获奖名单
最佳电影制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Theatrical Motion Pictures
最佳动画片制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures
最佳纪录片制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures
最佳剧情类剧集制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama
最佳喜剧类剧集制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Comedy
最佳限定剧集制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Limited Series Television
最佳流媒体电影/电视电影制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Streamed or Televised Motion Pictures
最佳直播综艺及脱口秀类节目制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Live Entertainment & Talk Television
最佳竞赛类电视节目制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Competition Television
最佳非虚构类电视节目制片人奖 Outstanding Producer of Non-Fiction Television