Marius has left, signed up for a five year hitch on a ship bound for the Indian Ocean. In his few letters to his father César, he hardly mentions Fanny. When she finds she is pregnant, she considers her options: suicide, to raise the child on her own, to wait for Marius, or to marry Honoré Panisse, the older merchant who seeks her hand. These choices are emotional: to raise a b...
Marius has left, signed up for a five year hitch on a ship bound for the Indian Ocean. In his few letters to his father César, he hardly mentions Fanny. When she finds she is pregnant, she considers her options: suicide, to raise the child on her own, to wait for Marius, or to marry Honoré Panisse, the older merchant who seeks her hand. These choices are emotional: to raise a bastard, to trust in Marius' eventual return, to believe he'll want to marry her, to save her mother from shame, to fool Panisse, to give her child a name. In scenes dramatizing Fanny's honesty, she talks to her mother, then Panisse, César, and later Marius, and she makes her choices.
芬妮的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 30 条 )
0 有用 杨小槑 看过 2021-06-15 20:19:59
0 有用 空气 看过 2022-11-05 23:45:46 四川
1 有用 文西 看过 2016-09-03 15:20:52
三十年代的片子就能拍成这样,除了戏剧冲突的表演外, Fanny得知怀孕后三个长镜头拍摄她行走的,使得电影从戏剧中分离开来。
1 有用 没有昵称 看过 2024-07-15 07:58:07 法国
马赛三部曲的第二部,故事接着第一部讲,虽然导演换了但主要演员没有换,算是很连贯。这部讲了马里乌斯出海以后芬妮得知自己怀上了和他的孩子,出于家庭名声、孩子未来,她不得不选择嫁给了马里乌斯父亲塞萨尔的好友、比她大三十岁的帕尼斯。帕尼斯对她很好,为娃付出很多。马里乌斯出海间隙回马赛想夺回芬妮和孩子时,父亲塞萨尔出来阻止了儿子并把他支走……从第一部到第二部,最明显的差别是第二部里外景拍摄的镜头多了太多。第... 马赛三部曲的第二部,故事接着第一部讲,虽然导演换了但主要演员没有换,算是很连贯。这部讲了马里乌斯出海以后芬妮得知自己怀上了和他的孩子,出于家庭名声、孩子未来,她不得不选择嫁给了马里乌斯父亲塞萨尔的好友、比她大三十岁的帕尼斯。帕尼斯对她很好,为娃付出很多。马里乌斯出海间隙回马赛想夺回芬妮和孩子时,父亲塞萨尔出来阻止了儿子并把他支走……从第一部到第二部,最明显的差别是第二部里外景拍摄的镜头多了太多。第一部可以被批评为舞台剧,的确主要在室内展开,中景镜头拍的对话对话还是对话,而第二部的镜头运用灵活很多:有很多给芬妮的特写,老港附近的街景拍得很好,有一个芬妮失魂落魄在街头行走的长镜让人印象深刻!看到这部时就不难理解意大利新现实主义们对Marcel Pagnol的推崇了。 (展开)
0 有用 多不利登 看过 2019-03-24 14:14:28
2019107 一星平庸 马赛三部曲