甜蜜的梦魇的5星影评 (3)

渡旻 2018-12-24 10:47:25

The Nightmares haunted in the land

The Nightmares haunted in the land —— culture memories intertwined Perfumed Nightmares ( 1977 ) is an initial essay film created by the Philippine indie filmmaker, Kidlat Tahimik, who formed an inestimable basis for the exploration of cutting-edge films i...  (展开)
【空格】 2024-01-27 23:11:19


1.大量主观感受和评述和显著的纪录片风格构成了这部半自传体电影。还有大量服务于主题、因施加了鲜明的隐喻而能被直接解读的物和人,使我看得仿佛有种大彻大悟之感。 2.第三世界的文本带有寓言性质。这可能来源于这些被殖民国家的文化特征:久远的本土性已经被殖民者抹除,至少...  (展开)
