大嘴巴 第一季 短评

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1 willamette 看过 2019-01-21 13:31:38

好像是看到Lucas某个采访说最近在看这个,才点开看的… 性教育动画挺有趣的,还涉及成长、友情、家庭等等,但vomit太多实在有点恶心

0 网遐 看过 2023-02-22 12:29:22 云南


0 Salzig 看过 2018-10-08 09:53:32


0 巳驻削 看过 2021-01-04 08:14:58

一直在omg, wtf, lmao之间循环反复

0 zhouxiaolaohu 看过 2017-10-12 19:34:18

Sex and Puberty.

0 咯咯精 看过 2022-04-23 21:30:24


4 竹取 看过 2017-12-05 11:54:06


1 B.Blanca 看过 2021-05-05 11:17:51

我看这部剧的唯一原因:Andrew Rannells的配音。

2 Little Pills 看过 2017-09-29 20:15:09

3.5吧,居然可共通性真的不错哎,就是duke ellington要给气活了(the weird shit i have to watch in the name of ****)

1 木可流芳 看过 2019-02-14 02:47:36

第一次了解到nick kroll应该是喜剧中心roast。网飞神奇的脑回路。画风略丑,很多梗十分恶俗。主题试图单纯从荷尔蒙的出发,从性引发的主题时常令人作呕般瞠目,最后总能走向奇怪的点。感觉主题不像一般adult content那般in your face反而是反动物本能控制在适当的度,正如动画片形式带来的平易感和距离感,性对于人性往往是抑制和控制。把荷尔蒙描绘成怪兽是亮点。

1 Lydia Z. 看过 2020-04-23 15:31:40


0 Sophieven 看过 2020-12-23 05:28:26

It's a great idea, especially to address the topic of sexual awakening (and just, adolescence in general) to the WASP culture. Though it might be better if it's done in a way that's both tasteful to adults and the teenagers going through change. Also the voice actors are too famous that I cannot get into their characters without thinking about them

0 DICKTAKER69 看过 2017-11-15 23:58:08


1 桑尼 看过 2017-09-30 19:52:23


0 鼹鼠 看过 2023-09-22 00:45:20 北京


0 银河小姐 看过 2023-06-28 20:15:21 陕西


0 自燃,风月同天 看过 2019-12-04 21:52:37


1 EvianTan 看过 2017-10-12 03:23:56

好看好看 讲青少年面对自己发育过程的

0 茼蒿 看过 2019-11-30 12:46:32

wanna watch the show from the best friend of my best friend! 得到了极好的美国青少年文化熏陶,好多桥段又感人又搞笑。诶 最后两集说i know it's too good to be true,还有but the life inside is not real 诶 无限感伤

0 空空如也 看过 2019-07-15 11:49:34
