
文盲殿大学士 1567天前

[第1集] 25分40秒时字幕显示拉丁语歌唱,但唱词其实是希腊语“ Kyrie eleison(天主,求你垂怜)”,拉丁弥撒中唯一一处使用希腊语的地方,让制片人误用在此了。 0 有用 0回应

Kleeer 2719天前

[第2集] 社会阶级固化和上升屏障倒是一层保存原住民文化的保鲜膜 0 有用 0回应

Vashta 3184天前

[第1集] 贝奥武甫听着好像甘道夫的咒语 2 有用 0回应

sarah🇺🇦 3331天前

[第6集] "Pronunciation is a sort of proof that a person has kept good company, and, on that account, is sought after by all who wish to be considered as fashionable people or members of the beau monde." 0 有用 0回应

sarah🇺🇦 3332天前

[第5集] "To this day, Americans tend to pronounce words with a far more even emphasis than the English and, in particular, than the clipped vowels of the English aristocracy, whose influence Webster wanted to oppose."
0 有用 0回应

sarah🇺🇦 3333天前

[第4集] Katherine Duncan-Jones! 0 有用 0回应

sarah🇺🇦 3334天前

[第3集] “What have we done to deserve this?!" EXACTLY! 0 有用 0回应

sarah🇺🇦 3334天前

[第2集] “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” 0 有用 0回应

半面妆 4051天前

[第6集] 口音什么的真是纠结。茶花女的剧情略耳熟啊 0 有用 0回应

子时雪 4084天前

想问:“寻找最美新娘” 用英文怎么说?有没有高手知道 0 有用 0回应

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