斯巴达人的4星影评 (2)

怒海新生 2022-11-26 22:29:48


大衛.馬梅是我個人非常喜歡的一位導演,無數經典腳本都出自他手,它們風格大相徑庭,很難想像出自同一人。 因為馬梅畢竟只是編劇,只能算個打荷配菜的,導演才是這部影片的靈魂主廚。 同理馬梅自編自導的影片,也深深烙下他自己的印記。 從《賭場》《西班牙囚犯》《斯巴達人》...  (展开)
听候清退旧精魂 2006-01-04 16:34:35

Spartan, as always

In Mamet's mind, there must be fond association with the word "Spartan", for his taste in dialogues and acting does have a Draconian quality to it. Watching this movie a second time, I find myself in a more leisured pace, which is hard to do for a Mamet fi...  (展开)
