宋飞正传 第二季 Seinfeld Season 2 第11集 中餐馆
- 本集中文名: 中餐馆
- 本集原名: The Chinese Restaurant
- 播放时间: 1991-05-23 星期四 (当地时间)
- 剧情简介:
Jerry, George and Elaine have a harrowing experience trying to get a table without reservations at a crowded Chinese restaurant.
Jerry, George and Elaine have a harrowing experience trying to get a table without reservations at a crowded Chinese restaurant.
洋洋洒洒 1026天前
各种阴差阳错 0 有用 0回应
lleiou 2984天前
承袭前面的风格, 给每个人设置一些问题, 而三个人的问题又不断地交叉重合.
本集第一次没有变换布景的, Kramer 第一次缺席.
「You know we are living in a society, we suppose to act in a civilized way! Did she
care? No. Does anyone ever display the slightest sensitivity over the problems of a fellow individual? No, no, a resounding no!」(感觉自己 ...展开 0 有用 0回应