征服14座高峰:凡事皆可能的5星影评 (5)

Cherry樱桃之远 2021-11-30 20:07:17

观后感及Project Possible的时间线


这个片子记录了尼泊尔登山者Nimsdai Purja和他的团队在2018年创造的世界记录,于六个月六天内登顶全世界超过8000米的十四座山峰。看完这个片子给我带来的几点感受很震撼,一个是Nims这个人,真的是个非常强大的人,不只是体能上,更多的是精神上,下山之后可以为了救人毫不犹豫...  (展开)
非洲二师兄 2022-01-15 04:58:04



一开始看简介的时候我在想,在登山里不应该只看到和宣传成功,所以觉得随便看看就好,但是看完后我觉得Lucky me not to miss this unique chapter of mountaineering, this guy and his climbing team has all my respect,但不仅仅是因为他们的成功和能力,还有他们的人格和意...  (展开)
四月 2023-01-05 06:27:08


It's just inspiring. It reminds me that how beautiful this world could be, it shows how humans can live their lives to the fullest, it proves that life is not meaningless. Sometimes I would be wondering the meaning of life. Do we just want to have a comfort...  (展开)
甜盐笔记 2021-12-02 19:50:02


今晚终于把纪录片《皆有可能》看完了。在不知道明天的情况下,是否能把今天过的更有意义一些,是我现在正在做的事情。普贾靠着无畏与信念突破了一个又一个山峰,让自己的存在变得有意义,也是因为他的虔诚,与大自然融为一体的信念,帮助了他克服了死亡的威胁。他作为领导者,...  (展开)
Vincent_GaoHJ 2022-04-08 21:11:20

Yes! Shishapangma! Yeah!

I always say to myself, I'm not gonna die today. Maybe tomorrow, but not today. ------ There was this friend of mine, very experienced mountaineer, saying, "Klara, it's 50% chance we make it, and 50% chance we die." And hearing that as a woman and as a moth...  (展开)
