痊愈的2星影评 (2)

floyd999999 2019-11-17 11:54:19


There’s a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place it was brighter than tomorrow And if you really try You’ll find there’s no need to cry In this place You’ll feel there’s no hurt or sorrow There are ways to get there If you care e...  (展开)
Felicia 2019-09-13 02:32:37


暴风雪中的戒毒所,一群瘾君子、两个医生、一个保安,接连爆发的杀人案,其实挺吸引人的,但是影片确实不尽如人意,角色上本来有些可挖的点,结果都匆匆而过。片尾for my mother MaryJane Liang,想问导演跟亲妈什么仇,拿这样的片来致敬。 首先女主是前军人,三次出国战斗,并...  (展开)
