吉他英雄的3星影评 (3)

老丁 2010-03-27 23:27:25



——简评《It Might Get Loud》 文/老丁 滚石杂志在2003年评出的百大吉他手,现年66岁的Jimmy Page排行第九,49岁的The Edge位列第二十四,最年轻的只有35岁的Jack White竟高居第十七。当然,排名更靠前的B. B. King、Eric Clapton甚至和电影关系更密切的Ry Cooder(《德州...  (展开)
绵谷升 2010-01-18 01:29:21

It could have been loud and articulate

I find this "documentary" to be dull. I had to fast forward to select the part where they really talk about their music. Let me make it short, Jimmy page might have done way too many interviews, I totally understand, I mean if I were him, I would have run ...  (展开)
Birdspy 2009-12-17 19:18:53

浮夸无益, 不如"去神化"

坦白说, 我并不喜欢看纪录片. 尤其是这类摆拍而没有多少纪实性的纪录片. 3个吉他手在摄影棚里围坐在一起聊天, 对音乐不感兴趣的人来说更没有什么吸引力可言. 3人的成就地位抛开不谈, 就电影的角度来看, 如此随性的安排布置, 聊天过程中穿插着零星的闪回和访谈, 完全没有情节故...  (展开)
