降世神通:科拉传奇 第三季的4星剧评 (3)

卧室恁蝶 2024-02-25 14:31:36

Previously on Avatar

Okay...typical earth kingdom style typical earth kingdom gobernante .Everyone knows what's happening (maybe) but tiny citizens can only fight their own lives against the real monster that make their lives hard .The real freedom can only got by citizen's fre...  (展开)
卧室恁蝶 2023-09-26 21:09:26

Previously on Avatar

Okay...typical earth kingdom style typical earth kingdom gobernante .Everyone knows what's happening (maybe) but tiny citizens can only fight their own lives rather than the real monster that make their lives hard .The real freedom can only got by citizen's...  (展开)
zzz 2022-05-24 21:51:06



3.5星,比第一、二季观感上好很多,简单来说讲的就是四个自由恐怖主义分子先把女主干掉从而达到世界和平和平衡(他们认为女主拥有的神通之力对世界是种压迫和威胁),最后被女主等众人反杀,反派的立场永远都是这么愚蠢而天真,我在这里不多做评价了,到了第三季女主仍然是没耐...  (展开)

订阅降世神通:科拉传奇 第三季的剧评