罪恶黑名单 第二季的剧评 (30)

mi4444d 2014-09-24 00:19:06


【第二季 OST】http://www.xiami.com/collect/35146917 【第一季 OST】http://www.xiami.com/collect/24620053 01 La Grange -- ZZ “S2E1 -Lord Baltimore- As the vehicle driving Red out to meet with the two-bit dictator, Yaabari, the car is fired upon; (continues...  (展开)
music_mood 2016-07-14 14:45:38


有没人觉得红魔和车管局DMV的小矮子格伦的戏特别逗?一个高智商的大牛经常被小矮子不着边际的悲情借口和谎言气的不行,甚至被小矮子赶出办公室。偶尔还差点信了格伦的凄惨谎言,例如"我从没出过国"!哈哈,特别有意思。可能编剧也发现观众比较喜欢他们的戏,还刻意增加了小矮子...  (展开)
IORI 2015-06-25 10:12:08


伴随着暑期档各大电影公司在影院中激烈搏杀的落幕,战场转向了电视荧屏,同样惨烈的各大电视台之间的秋季档大战拉开了序幕。各大电视台,在这个惯例的暑期档和圣诞档期的间隙,将各自的王牌剧陆续推出,或是续集或是新剧,反正就是又一波美剧上市的狂潮来临了。 第一季中的红...  (展开)
灰机来啦 2015-06-08 13:55:18


当我第一眼看到《黑名单》时,我简单的把它归类为“警察与小偷”,但它的表现却让人大为惊喜。收视率居高不下。究其原因是它在内容上突破了“警察与小偷”的模式,而且在人物设定上十分出彩。人物设定,这即是本剧最大的亮点。《黑名单》的成功是角色的胜利。 如果一部美剧...  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2015-03-28 22:14:28

20150328, s02e17, I did not know where else to go................

20150328, s02e17, I did not know where else to go................  (展开)
young 2015-07-05 02:40:23


那么到第二季最后,部分的真相终于出现了。 这吊胃口的玩意足足吊了四十多集,也算你们狠了。 速食主义如我,期望的是十二集左右讲到这个程度。 要是电影的长度,那故事是没法看的。 篇幅长度为细节复杂度提供了基础,细节复杂度又是展现人物性格所必需的。人物性格则是主要吸...  (展开)
Jack 2015-03-21 22:48:11

20150321, s02e16, just a gesture................

20150321, s02e16, just a gesture................ ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-03-21 22:48:10

20150321, s02e16, just a gesture................

20150321, s02e16, just a gesture................ ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-03-14 23:21:42

20150314, s02e15, weird judge~~~~~~~~~~

20150314, s02e15, weird judge~~~~~~~~~~  (展开)
Jack 2015-03-01 13:42:23

20150301, s02e13, routine mark..................

20150301, s02e13, routine mark.................. ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-24 22:51:06

20150224, s02e12, if Kenyon made business with the criminals and benefit from that, why we can not

20150224, s02e12, if Kenyon made business with the criminals and benefit from that, why we can not find his account suspicious? ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-24 22:51:06

20150224, s02e12, if Kenyon made business with the criminals and benefit from that, why we can not

20150224, s02e12, if Kenyon made business with the criminals and benefit from that, why we can not find his account suspicious? ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-19 21:16:23

20150217, s02e11, every complex cases can become profitable.................

20150217, s02e11, every complex cases can become profitable................. ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-17 22:03:14

20150217, s02e11, every complex cases can become profitable.................

20150217, s02e11, every complex cases can become profitable................. ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-10 21:13:01

20150210, s02e10, memory disorder..... are you kidding me?

20150210, s02e10, memory disorder..... are you kidding me? ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-03 22:57:53

20150203, s02e09, the red's worst nightmare is nothing compared to hers................


20150203, s02e09, the red's worst nightmare is nothing compared to hers................ ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-11 22:46:14

20141111, s02e08, every relationship is complicated, so that there is no absolute trust.

20141111, s02e08, every relationship is complicated, so that there is no absolute trust. ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-05 21:48:25

20141105, s02e07, the war start for the daughters, but do not go on for them.....

20141105, s02e07, the war start for the daughters, but do not go on for them..... ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-10-30 21:57:01

20141030, s02e06, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.....

20141030, s02e06, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth..... ...  (展开)
Kemoi 2015-03-12 19:16:28


我简直是个蠢儿,回归这么久才乐此不疲的去看,第一部整部都讲女主是多么哈尔的存在,不知道爹是谁,先生不爱自己,先生是坏人,骗子,先生你的心呢,让我找找。 于是第二部精彩还是精彩,男主用着表演话剧的功底,一颦一笑似足了强大到无边无际的恶魔,有谁会想看恶魔倒台,...  (展开)
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订阅罪恶黑名单 第二季的剧评