罗马之恋的3星影评 (2)

Benedetto 2009-04-23 21:03:03


http://baike.baidu.com/view/105307.htm     它在1762年建成,虽然罗马有其他历史更悠久的喷泉,但始终以许愿池知名度最高,最得游客欢心,相信这多少与以下两个传说有关。第一个传说,是游客只要背对许愿池,右手拿硬币越过左肩抛入池中,便可以重返罗马;第二个传说是用...  (展开)
他他 2019-10-03 21:13:32

[Film Review] Three Coins in the Fountain (1954) 6.2/10

Claiming for fame as the first motion picture filmed in CinemaScope outside the United States, also manifestly cashing in on the exotic fad of Rome instigated by William Wyler’s ROMAN HOLIDAY (1953), Jean Begulesco’s THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN faithfully...  (展开)
