生活大爆炸 第六季的剧评 (120)

有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2012-11-09 23:26:34

20121109,s06e07, it is a basic skill to read other's heart, or you shall be stumbled in love.

20121109,s06e07, it is a basic skill to read other's heart, or you shall be stumbled in love.  (展开)
Jack 2012-11-03 15:49:08

20121103,s06e06, Hawking is shooted when he is lying.

20121103,s06e06, Hawking is shooted when he is lying.  (展开)
Jack 2012-10-27 22:11:58

20121027,s06e05, why everybody enjoy the Halloween, and only I have to work over weekend!

20121027,s06e05, why everybody enjoy the Halloween, and only I have to work over weekend!  (展开)
Jack 2012-10-19 23:29:07

20121019,s06e04, the big bang is back! this episode is extraordinary excellent! we fill each other'

20121019,s06e04, the big bang is back! this episode is extraordinary excellent! we fill each other's hole. yeah !  (展开)
Jack 2012-10-12 22:19:41

20121012,s06e03, my limbic system wants to take your pants off!

20121012,s06e03, my limbic system wants to take your pants off!  (展开)
Jack 2012-10-05 23:07:51

20121005,s06e02, not too bad, but not know what "loop" menas.

20121005,s06e02, not too bad, but not know what "loop" menas.  (展开)
石榴王子 2013-09-11 16:32:39



一直有写观后感的习惯,但是对这个,却一直没有动笔。为什么,可能是因为要表达的东西太多,不知道从何说起。 既然有时间,那就慢慢开始吧…… 第六季开始出的时候我才开始看第一季第一集。是的,我有这么一个习惯,必须从头开始,清楚地知道故事的背景。 Sheldon和Leonard,...  (展开)
Jack 2013-04-05 23:55:20

20130405,s06e20, I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen. LOL

20130405,s06e20, I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen. LOL  (展开)
Jack 2013-03-16 23:34:12

20130316,s06e19, where is Howard's Mother?

20130316,s06e19, where is Howard's Mother? ...  (展开)
Jack 2013-03-08 23:29:42

20130308,s06e18, act as girls for women's day, yesterday once more.

20130308,s06e18, act as girls for women's day, yesterday once more.  (展开)
Jack 2013-02-23 00:19:10

20130223,s06e17, too broken, wreck, many seriously wrong things, psychological problems, brain damag

20130223,s06e17, too broken, wreck, many seriously wrong things, psychological problems, brain damage. ...  (展开)
Jack 2013-02-15 22:03:41

20130215,s06e16, just reminds me of Valentine's day already passed.

20130215,s06e16, just reminds me of Valentine's day already passed.  (展开)
Jack 2013-02-08 23:19:45

20130208,s06e15, I know it is not your fault that you are not selected. Life is son of bitch.

20130208,s06e15, I know it is not your fault that you are not selected. Life is son of bitch. ...  (展开)
Jack 2013-02-02 23:03:32

20130202,s06e14, god also need get laid.

20130202,s06e14, god also need get laid.  (展开)
Jack 2013-01-11 23:38:23

20130111,s06e13, such cute alternate dimension, flee out of the reality.

such cute alternate dimension, flee out of the reality.  (展开)
Jack 2013-01-04 23:26:29

20120104,s06e12, so sweet between Leonard and Penny.

20120104,s06e12, so sweet between Leonard and Penny.  (展开)
Jack 2012-12-15 23:39:48

20121215,s06e11, we had laughed and cried, been Otaku and loafer, but we never regret.

20121215,s06e11, we had laughed and cried, been Otaku and loafer, but we never regret.  (展开)
Jack 2012-12-08 23:24:05

20121208,s06e10, Sheldon and Amy must have had relationship at bath.

20121208,s06e10, Sheldon and Amy must have had relationship at bath.  (展开)
yfxlavender 2013-03-15 01:08:29


看到许多人说第一二季很好,第三季就开始下滑,好多人弃剧神马的,我想说,其实我看第一二季的时候还无感,从第三季才慢慢喜欢看的。有人觉得风格和开始相比变了许多,有人觉得笑点越来越少,也有许多人说Amy的出现毁了这剧神马的。我想说,事物都是在不断变化的,一成不...  (展开)
师姐有妖气 2013-05-19 16:55:42


到第六季结束,剧中人物身上的种种最初设定都慢慢的消失了,霍华德不再和随处美女搭讪,变成了居家小男人,谢尔顿不再好玩了,说谎的时候不再挤眉弄眼,别人也可以随意进出他的卧室,甚至有了女朋友,而他的女朋友也从一开始的奇葩变得现在和正常人无异(我一直认为艾米这个角...  (展开)
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