生活大爆炸 第六季 The Big Bang Theory Season 6 第24集 一路顺风的反应
- 本集中文名: 一路顺风的反应
- 本集原名: The Bon Voyage Reaction
- 播放时间: 2013-05-16 星期四 (当地时间)
- 剧情简介:
Howard learns Professor Stephen Hawking is sponsoring an expedition searching for the hydrodynamics equivalent of the Unruh effect and suggests Leon ... ard for an opening in the team. Leonard is excited, but worried about his relationship with Penny, as he will be on a boat in the North Sea for four months. As Sheldon is jealous and does not like being alone, he attempts to dissuade Leonard from going, but Penny insists he take the opportunity.
Raj's friends are anxious to meet Lucy, but the prospect terrifies her. She agrees to meet just one of his friends: Amy, the newest member of the group. Unfortunately, Amy's questions about her mental state and Raj demanding to know where their relationship is going causes her to panic and hide in the bathroom. At Leonard's bon voyage party, she texts Raj, telling him things are not working out between them.
After Penny drops Leonard off the airport expressing their mutual love, she stops by to check on Raj. To their amazement, he finds he can now talk to Penny, despite the fact he hasn't been drinking. The show ends with Raj talking nonstop to Penny, Amy, and Bernadette, who wish he'd be quiet. 更多»
CAY 4206天前
连追六季以来第一次看无字幕版,留个爪 0 有用 1回应
织毛衣 4206天前
在Party上Raj通过Haward对Amy打招呼的时候我才意识到Raj其实早就能自如说话了吧,这个场景都未出现很久了! 0 有用 4回应
微喵的兔姑娘 4206天前
已阅留爪(ฅ´ω`ฅ)第六季完结啦~本季比上一季水平有所回升,不管怎么说=。=追了这么多年,继续期待第七季与大家见面=V=(社交恐惧妹子别走啊><~ 0 有用 0回应
斑小斑马 4206天前
哦 还米有更到~ 0 有用 0回应
BIGsmall 4206天前
最后一集总是充满笑点和泪点,下一季再续啊 1 有用 0回应
[已注销] 4206天前
这集真是有重大重大重大的转变啊……不过如果这样下去,Raj岂不和普通人一样了? 0 有用 1回应
幕后主使者 4251天前
5.4完结啊,先做记号 0 有用 0回应
王小兵 4428天前
我操。。。不给留个沙发啊。。。 0 有用 0回应
liaodansmart 4457天前
不是说还没上映吗,怎么就看完了 0 有用 0回应
2官人 4507天前
碉堡了 0 有用 0回应