【搬运】关于Queer Eye的有趣故事

节选了比较有趣的部分,没有翻译,夹带私货点评,期待第二季> <。
Part 1—— "Queer Eye" Facts That Will Make You Love It Even More
1. Karamo(黑人小哥)has been on TV before – he was the first openly gay black man on The Real World on MTV.
2. Most of the cast met at a huge audition.
3. There's a reason Jonathan always asks heroes how long they spend on their hair when on camera.

4. Neal from Episode 2 now texts Antoni photos of his meals.
5. Tan didn't submit an application for the show – the producers found him on social media.
And he didn't really want to be cast, he told ET: "The first day I cried because it was so terrifying for me, because I was the kind of guy that didn't really like to get his photo taken. I thought that they weren't going to cast me because I made it very clear to the person that told me I got this job,……I went to the audition because I thought I would make some gay friends. I never thought that I would get a job." (哈哈哈,不喜欢被拍照的Tan本来参加大型面试只是为了结交好基友,没想到被选上了)
6. The people the Fab Five make over in the show are called "heroes."
9. In a cute twist, Antoni was the personal chef to the first food guide on Queer Eye.

10. Jonathan's definition of "grooming" is based on body positivity.

He told Vulture: "If you have body hair, I’m like, 'Have your body hair. Have it sticking up the top of your shirt.' I’m really about body positivity and self-love." (对于体毛是自然主义者啊~)
11. Bobby worked seven days a week to get the houses ready. And because his role means he has to order in items, he gets a heads-up in advance.
He told Architectural Digest: "While my Fab brothers often had three to four days off a week, some weeks, depending on what we were building, I worked seven days a week." (心疼不能和姐妹们一起玩的Bobby,装修最辛苦了,但是他真的好棒!)

13. They really didn't know what was happening when the cop car pulled them over in Episode 3.
(感觉黑人小哥真的是非常有群体责任感和正义感的人,再加上他作为一个social worker和psychotherapist的良好素养,说话既有内容又让人很舒服)
Karamo told Indiewire that the moment showed viewers a fear many people of colour face every day.(这一幕挺感人,警察和黑人族裔代表既有同理心又有担当地沟通)

14. There are loads of recipes that don't make it to the final cut.

15. Bobby has a home furnishings line.And Tan has a successful clothing line.(Bobby的家居线目前不会用到,不知道Tan的服装线如何)
19. Bobby Camp's house took a day and half to clean before they could start work on it.

20. Jonathan is still in touch with some of the heroes via Instagram.
He told Vulture: "There are two who I still chat with regularly on Instagram and they both have, even now, long-lasting changes." (好像不同的小哥in touch的嘉宾有些不同,有几个嘉宾会在ins和Twitter上分享自己的动态)
21. AJ from Episode 4 sold his house after they made it over.
Bobby told Architectural Digest: "About two weeks after we filmed that episode, I texted him [AJ], 'Hey, how's the house going? Does it feel like home yet?' He texts, 'It sold already.' I was like, 'What?' His boyfriend Dre had a house, so AJ moved in with him and they put the condo on the market."
22. Karamo has an important stipulation in his contract.

He told AU Magazine: "I’m all about being representation and living my dreams. I make sure that in my contract they must hire two to three gay Africa-Americans to be on crew. I’ve done that now on the past three shows that I’ve been on and that’s important for me."
23. Karamo also runs an HIV awareness organization called 6 in 10.
He told AU Magazine: “My background is in psychotherapy and I’m a licensed social worker, so I thought why not start something where we can address the mental health of black gay and bisexual men who are being infected or affected by HIV. That was a big thing for me because I’m negative but dated many men who were positive. But when I come across some men who are negative, for some reason they don’t think it is our issue. That always blows my mind because if it affects one then it affects all of us.”
24. Joe, the comedian from Episode 7, took his website down after the show.
Karamo told BuzzFeed: "But he took [his website] down! He said, ‘I’m not sure if I’m ready for that point in my career.’ I was like, ‘I’m building you this because in a matter of months, millions of people are gonna see you and flock to your website.’ And he took it down."
(其实karamo的出发点很好,为说单口相声的小哥建立个人网站,节目播出后网站会有不少流量,不过最开始界面里的描述真的有点太不正经了吧2333,小哥可能觉得尴尬或者not ready就把网站关掉了。)
Part 2—— The "Queer Eye" Transformations That Were The Most Challenging
Grooming: Neal, Episode 2, "Saving Sasquatch"

Interior Design: Bobby, Episode 5, "Camp Rules"

Food and Wine: Tom, Episode 1, "You Can't Fix Ugly"

I wasn’t too familiar with [the condition]. There’s [a history of] autoimmune disease in my family so I know a little bit about inflammatory foods and a diet approach to treating [them].
Tom is a guy who eats a three-pepper burrito every day, and peppers are a nightshade. He smokes [and] tobacco is also a nightshade, I had no idea! He drinks jalapeño margaritas, which have peppers — [he was doing] all the worst things he could possibly be doing for himself." —Antoni Porowski
Culture: Joe, Episode 7, "Below Average Joe"

"My most challenging episode is one that kind of flies under the radar, which is Joe Gallois. For me, [the show] was all about being comfortable and breaking out of your shell, and even though Neal was resistant, he was a little more comfortable because he had [Tan] and he could relate. But Joe could not relate to any of us.
He was just like, 'I’m scared. I don’t wanna do this. I would rather be living next to my mom and dad for the rest of my life.' And for us to get him out of that in such a short time, and to see him blossom and get a girl, it was [great].
But he took [his website] down! He said, 'I’m not sure if i’m ready for that point in my career.' I was like, 'I’m building you this because in a matter of months, millions of people are gonna see you and flock to your website.' And he took it down." —Karamo Brown
Fashion: Neal, Episode 2, "Saving Sasquatch"

"Mine was also Neal, because of the fact that he was originally so resistant to being touched, being loved. The others, you could tell they were so desperately wanting a change in their lives, but Neal seemed a little hesitant at first.
But that was the biggest transformation — not just physically, but emotionally. That was my proudest moment." —Tan France
Part 3——Queer Eye为什么这么好看?

不仅负责文化和内在激励的Karamo会非常重视被改造的“hero”的情感和精神状态、渴求、沟通,Jonathan,Tan都超级会沟通,Antoni和Bobby虽然表现的没有那么多,但也很贴心,他们教人要listening,而不仅仅是hearing。他们五个人的细腻,体察,关心用一种最自然的方式表现出来真的很打动人,有的时候是很真诚的, 有的时候是很阳光的, 有的时候甚至是用drama的形式表现,但都非常精准和感人TAT。
1)Queer Eye is extremely good for your mental health if you’re in the mood for people just being genuinely really fucking lovely to each other
2) Queer eye is better for my mental health than my therapist was



Twitter评论: The new Queer Eye is like...a body positive hug wrapped up in an embrace that deconstructs toxic masculinity and sometimes that Antoni guy is like hey this is how you cut an avocado
从外到内再从内到外的feeling good

The first time you see a guy cry on this show it seems strange. By the third time, however, you realise what is actually strange is the fact we simply don’t see guys open up like this on TV often enough.

I’m really not into reality TV but Queer Eye is actually kinda sweet and all about breaking up toxic masculinity and helping men be vulnerable and connect with others
We always knew the queers would fix us all, hey.
的确,看完queer eye后的一大感受就是,原来合适地表达出vulnerable是一件这么棒的事情,无论是对自己还是对他人而言,fab5的这种能力几乎像一种天赋一样(虽然他们中的很多人也走过了长长的路)——人们在他们周围觉得安全和comfortable,觉得可以做自己,可以从现在开始努力生活,同时接受自己。能合理的拥有这个天赋的人真的是太棒太棒的人,现实生活中太多平衡不好的——要么是感情麻痹,要么是焦点失衡,过度脆弱。


4. Here's What Everyone They Transformed On "Queer Eye" Is Up To Now
5. ‘Queer Eye’: Bobby Berk and Creator David Collins Preview What to Expect on Season 2
6.网易云音乐歌单——Queer Eye.粉雄救兵>Netflix