The Truth About Love
Young Beyoncé(2013) and her B-empire 真正极致的女性力量电影(纪录片) Queen B完全就是 感性与理性的完美融合榜样 极具商业成功的同时 发散艺术魅力 虽然对现在的年轻人来说a bit of old fashion?但确实这部纪录片没啥影评,听写摘抄了我认为很不错的金句。 1. Billboard was an artist huge gamble.But the urge to give my message out was so overwhelming.Nobody know I was pregnant doing the performance.And I'm cool with that.I'm not interested in a free ride. But it absolutely proof to me,that women have to work much harder to make it in this world. It really pisses me off ? That women don't get same opportunities as men do.Or money,for that matter...Because let's face it.Money gives men the power to run the show.It gives men the power to define our values,and to define what's sexy,and what's feminism.And that's bullshit. At end of the day,it's not about equal rights.It's about how we think. We have to re-shape our own perception of how we review ourselves. We have to step up as women,and take the lead,and reach as high as humanly possible. That's what I'm gonna do.That's my philosophy That's what girls is about... 2. My life is a journey.It seems like I set a goal.In some of way,I accomplished it.And I set another one... My goal was trusting myself,my goal was growth. This is a consistent battle. Ultimately,your independence comes from, you know who you're, and you're being happy with yourself. 3. Sometimes when I just wanna being an artist,and have fun,do what I love.But I have to be serious,and I have to think things through. I have to think about finance, what's practical. I have to think about the future,think about my investments,think about things make sense. Sometimes,art doesn't make sense which is comes from the heart.It doesn't have to make sense 4. Nobody but yourself.You should be focus on this shit until it's done. 5. In my hardest moments,what I thought...what I'm doing,I'm not strong enough for this,I cannot get through this,I'm not ready... I just have to say,JUMP. Because I know,I'm landing on water and swim back on boat.And I'm jumping again, landing on water and swim back on boat. I have to trust myself.