Speed is everything...?
All right, let's say you wanna dig a tunnel from Stockholm to Madrid. You wanna run fiber through it. How many regenerators do you need to put up on that line? Taking refracton into account, obviously.
Do I have to take in consideration the curvature of the Earth, or can I dig straight, hub, straight, hub, outside, in sort of like an octagon? Now, if you're using really powerful machines, which cost more money, you can dig straight, come out for air less often, so you'll have a straighter line. And, roughly, we're talking a difference between, lets say, a 1800 miles and 2000 miles.
David and Goliath
As David walking onto the floor of the stock exchange, taking out the biggest slingshot ever, and bringing Goliath down to his fucking knees.
David and Goliath?
I like that... we are David?
Light color and speed of light wave -
Why is the light outside the window blue, and the light inside the lamp yellow?
Well, because the light waves from the lamp are slower than the light waves from the window, and slower light waves go from yellow to orange to red, and faster light waves go from blue to violet.
How the speed makes money -
I'm here to make digital information travel faster between the Kansas Electronic Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Lets say you are an investor in Kansas and I am a trader also in Kansas. And you wanna buy, I dont know, what do you wanna buy?
What I wanna buy? I would like to buy...a lemon company in, I dont know, in Zimbabwe?
So you wanna buy shares in a lemon company in Zimbabwe. Lets say you wanna buy 1000 shares at a maximum price of $10. So you put this request in the system, and a bunch of traders can now offer selling prices for the lemon company in Zimbabwe. But the thing is, if all traders use the same system and have the same informationm, how do you beat the others? By having the fastest line. Once I know how much you're willing to pay, I outrun the other traders from Kansas to New York. I buy shares that sell for less than $10. I race back and sell them to you for $10. So, right now, all this happens in about 17 milliseconds. Soon it'll be 16.
What's 16 milliseconds?
It's one single flap of a hummingbird's wing.
I've just made 1000 times one cent, so I've made 10 bucks. I do 200,000 transactoins like this every day. That's 200,000 times $10 times 252. That's roughly $500 million a year. It's like time travel.
But what about the farmers? The lemon farmers in Zimbabwe, what do they get out of this?
The lemon farmers aren't relevant.
How can they be irrelevant? They're the ones who're growing the lemons.
Well, yeah, but they're not an important variable in the system. Mathematically, for our business plan, they're irrelevant.
I guess I wouldn't wanna be one of those farmers in Zimbabwe who is mathematically irrelevant to your business plan.
Does magnetic pull from the moon phases affect speed of neutrons (中子) on the fibre line?
We don't believe making things faster makes things better. We believe that all this new technology makes us more distant and isolated.
How Anton found the way to reduce from 17 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds -
I need some information on Optical Regenerator JBT145SX.
Yeah, how can I help you?
Right, so it says "Rated at 10,000 meters". But what kind of tolerance did you implement?
I don't know.
Ballpark, I think our regenerators have around a 10%-15% tolerance. Depends on what fibre you're using.
Did you say 15%? 1-5?
So, if I have a 178 regenerators on a line, and I could do some sort of, uh, like a selection process, and only use the ones that cover the entire 115%, I could then space them out to one every 10.35km. And that way, I would...I would only need 154?
Yeah, I guess. It'd be risky and expensive to test, but why not?
Are you aware each regenerator makes the line lose 0.02 milliseconds? 24 regenerators, round trip, that's a millisecond faster.
Vincent bought a guarantee insurance 2-3% betting on his own failure (though too late)
It's not the destination. It's the people we meet. And the lessons we learn.
Neutrino messaging -
We shoot neutrions (中微子) that are set up to carry information, purchase orders, for example, through the Earth's crust. So we dont lose time going around the globe, because we go straight through it with a particle accelerator. Those neutrinos, these little fuckers, they dont slow down for shit! Rock, concrete, nothing. We can get to New York in smth like 9 milliseconds. And we would beat the game, Vinnie.
You know, sometimes I wonder, if all the time that was give to me was, like...16 milliseconds, and I had no past memory, I had nothing carved into my mind before those 16 milliseconds...and the only thing...that was left imprinted in my brain...were the images and the smells and the feelings of those 16 milliseconds...how do you think I would process that?
I dont know! I think your life would feel exactly as long as someone who lived for 100 years.
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