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在这座城市里,Van披上了另一层外衣--french accent,杂志封面女郎,法式卷发,以及和多个性别及取向多样的男性、以及和Alexander Skarsgard开放且具有[s]/[m]暗示的伴侣关系。“手食”一族和urolagnia都用上流人士的做派合理化着反伦理和社会的个人诉求,而Van如梦境一般的旅行被来自女性同伴最简单而又尖锐的提问唤醒。她的欧洲之旅如同是一场角色扮演以及自我挖掘最终和现实妥协的戏剧。
当最后Earn 收到一个完全不属于自己的包裹,合照再次落脚在S3E1在钓鱼船上出现、E3自杀的白人男子。剧情中的人物、面孔和场景跳跃式的引用,就如同是大梦初醒后对模糊记忆的咀嚼,又像是间隔某段时间后生活中突然被击中的deja vu。
争端故事的讲述看似以Earn、PaperBoi和Darius作为主线(甚至第十集看似和主角团完全无关的巴黎之旅,街头的墙上也出现了PaperBoi的巡演海报)。但针对Black & White的讨论以及从Van的角度切入对存在主义和边缘型人格的讨论,都以平行线的方式穿插、编织,最后融合成一张如专辑般完整的梦境故事。EP10 call back EP1,余音绕梁,意味深长。
最后引用几句Media Breakdown从EP10切入浅谈本季的一些比较有意思的comments:
She (Van) feels it “brings some form of closure” and “answers these questions that we’ve been asking all season. Van is going through… being away from home and breaking out of your comfort zone.
This season, we looked into the question of what it means to be black. What does it mean to travel as an American? What does it mean to be white in America during this time of racial reckoning?
It’s finally being able to admit that “I have no idea who I am, is that alright?”. In that manner, I believe it adequately summarizes this season.
This season appears to reside on some dream-like level. Ties back to Earn’s tale demonstrate that “the storylines we’ve been witnessing actually might be quite real”
link to the video: