麦百万的剧评 (2)
people who never got into trouble
Those people I gave tickets to, I lie to them, so they got screwed. One you pled guilty, it’s too late. But the mentality of people who never got into trouble—they just got so scared. It is just like you gonna lose everything you have, you gonna go to jai... (展开)戛纳广告节获奖作品《鸡蛋交响曲》:艺术的“鸡屁股”
森森大军 影评人 讲师 编剧内容正在审核中内容将在审核通过后自动发布 回答影迷提出的以下问题 1 本片艺术和亮点在哪里?该如何赏析这类广告短片? 2 镜头语言解读。片头片尾如何解读?艺术的“鸡屁股”哪里找? 3 鸡蛋的象征意义,音乐以及被背景音效在本片的作用 获得戛纳广...