瑞秋的鸿沟的影评 (2)

想要进步 2022-03-03 10:11:25

I’m shocked by how people react because I’m too privileged

Am I too privileged to think it’s wrong to just bully a broken woman like this? People say to her, go back and be white, the identity the entire society is trying to force on her. People feel threatened personally for this individual’s existence. While he...  (展开)
JennetSmith 2022-07-26 23:28:38



很能理解为什么瑞秋想要选择黑人身份,但是瑞秋从头至尾也没有能够回应黑人们的愤怒。种族当然是一个社会建构的概念,白人殖民者发明的统治工具,但是它在美国的社会历史进程当中已经实现为现实(出生证上都要填种族,顺便吐槽一下,今天才知道这个事,那五个种族的分类好傲慢...  (展开)
