他们说“我很好”的影评 (2)

孤独行者 2018-06-17 15:02:20


影片道出了现代社会下个体的无力感。 个人信息不再是秘密,每时每刻都可能收到推销电话。反复计算各种优惠,哪个商家给的减免多,哪个套餐流量最高,可是到头来会发现人们总是会超额消费,比如为了使用5元的优惠券,可能会消费50元。 还有就是世界的复杂性超出了个体的理解,看...  (展开)
PeperidgeFarm 2018-06-05 07:34:57

Those who are fine

I am just gonna write down my thoughts randomly before it all goes away. To be honest, there more than a few times during the film when I want to just get the fuck out of the theatre and go home to sleep. But afterwards when I thought about why. Probably be...  (展开)
