纽约黑帮纪实的剧评 (6)

阿三 2023-07-21 17:53:08


《纽约黑帮纪实》第一季,共8集,这是一部半纪录片—半剧情片(Docu—drama)模式的剧集。旁白:雷·利奥塔 本剧集属黑帮题材,源于对美国黑帮历史的兴趣,和平淡的历史不一样,黑帮历史中有犯罪,有侦探,有悬疑,有惊悚,有暗杀,还涉及政治和商业等,这就让黑帮历史更好看。...  (展开)
毛毛虫 2016-09-30 22:09:00



西西里是个神奇的地方,小岛一个却因黑手党全球闻名。而那些从这片土地上移民到美国的新一代美国人更是在20世纪初在纽约创下了黑帮史上最为人知的五大家族。 AMC的这种风格有点纪录片又有点美剧的路线,大概的把LUCK为首的5人街头混混成为纽约最有势力的黑帮到衰落这条线交待...  (展开)
这个糕饼甜不甜 2020-07-24 18:22:02

E4 台词摘录


Band Dewey launches a crusade against organized crime and to save the Mafia,the New York kingpin orders a hit on one of his own.With Schultz out of the picture,the Mob is back in business.Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel,Frank Costello an...  (展开)
这个糕饼甜不甜 2020-07-24 14:13:32

E3 台词摘录


The King of New York Underground The Commission After taking out the two most powerful Mob bosses in New York,34-year-old Charles "Lucky" Luciano,sets in motion the next phase of his plan:to seize control of the New York Mafia.Over a matter of months,gangst...  (展开)
这个糕饼甜不甜 2020-07-22 21:07:23

E2 台词摘录


The Death of Rothstein ,1928 Rothstein is the epitome of sophistication and self-control,but every man has a weakness.And for Rothstein, it's high stakes gambling. Without a doubt,the Mob will eat away at your personality and at your soul.You have this wei...  (展开)
这个糕饼甜不甜 2020-07-22 18:05:26

E1 台词摘录


The American Mafia Over a 50-year period, these ambitious, young immigrants come together to form the American Mafia, Making millions, killing thousands,And changing the face of crime, forever. Their authority stretches across two continents, impacting glob...  (展开)
