极品老妈 第二季的剧评 (27)

蘑蘑菇菇Evelyn 2017-01-25 22:29:58



Mom里面的三代Mom都没能拥有十分美满的人生。 Bonnie从小被母亲抛弃,被领养家庭踢来踢去,于是私奔,在十几岁剩下Christy。 Christy从小得不到毒瘾母亲的关心和照料,也在十几岁的年纪辍学生下Violet。 Violet从小疲于照料总是醉酒的母亲和年幼的弟弟,也在高中毕业前和男友生...  (展开)
roosingr 2015-09-11 23:20:20

不如给苦难加点佐料 先尝再笑。


《Mom》是一部不太被人知晓的美剧,单就从喜剧角度来看,绝对不输于2 Broke Girls和The Big Bang Theroy 真心推荐!!! 好了进入正题,一篇不靠谱的影评,全都是剧透。 三个女人一台戏。一台底层小人物的喜剧。 Christy Plunkett 餐厅服务员,独自抚养一双儿女。女儿...  (展开)
丫丫0 2017-12-28 00:34:59



第二季太惨了:克丽丝蒂赌球输了房租,带着全家到处流浪,住汽车旅馆、朋友家、鬼屋……没有最惨只有更惨!幸亏邦尼找到一份公寓管理员的工作全家总算住上了免费公寓;没想到看到阿尔文去世会那么难过,可怜的邦尼刚准备和他一起开始新生活,第一次看喜剧泪奔……女儿和42岁的...  (展开)
小野二郎 2023-02-24 19:52:31


看完第一季时,我觉得我喜欢所有女性角色。但看到第二季时,似乎所有角色我都蛮喜欢的(不过此时一瞬间闪过了Luke,好像对他的爱还不是太深哈) Alvin过世的设计我觉得既像一个妙笔,也像一个败笔。败在似乎有些生硬,强行出现又一个不幸;但妙又妙在生活就是没有道理可言,无...  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2015-05-01 22:33:36

20150501, s02e22, mark but no comment...................

20150501, s02e22, mark but no comment...................  (展开)
Jack 2015-04-26 21:52:28

20150426, s02e21, truce or at war? this is a question.....................

20150426, s02e21, truce or at war? this is a question.....................  (展开)
Jack 2015-04-18 21:47:39

20150418, s02e20, hard life, why not die?

20150418, s02e20, hard life, why not die? ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-04-10 21:53:32

20150410, s02e19, mark but no comment................

20150410, s02e19, mark but no comment................ ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-04-03 22:06:09

20150403, s02e18, the pain medicine is so magic?

20150403, s02e18, the pain medicine is so magic?  (展开)
Jack 2015-03-14 22:00:44

20150314, s02e17, do not live lonely........................

20150314, s02e17, do not live lonely........................  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-28 22:10:12

20150228, s02e15, sex is exciting when happens at exciting situation.....................

20150228, s02e15, sex is exciting when happens at exciting situation.....................  (展开)
Jack 2015-02-14 23:20:28

20150214, s02e14, only bad guy can survive....................

20150214, s02e14, only bad guy can survive.................... ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-01-24 21:30:10

20150124, s02e11, feel sorry for the grandpa who is killed by the grandma..

20150124, s02e11, feel sorry for the grandpa who is killed by the grandma.. ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-01-17 21:32:00

20150117, s02e10, Chinese must be easy to live in US since the American are so stupid.

20150117, s02e10, Chinese must be easy to live in US since the American are so stupid. ...  (展开)
Jack 2015-01-10 22:23:44

20150110, s02e09, it is normal to make love, and it is abnormal to do other things.

20150110, s02e09, it is normal to make love, and it is abnormal to do other things. ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-12-31 22:05:06

20141231, s02e08, the past always consists of son of bitch................

20141231, s02e08, the past always consists of son of bitch................ ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-12-13 23:55:00

20141213, s02e07, man is pig and woman is cat.

20141213, s02e07, man is pig and woman is cat. ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-28 22:37:52

20141128, s02e05, you should have sb. supiror to you to stimulate you.

20141128, s02e05, you should have sb. supiror to you to stimulate you. ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-25 21:53:28

20141115, s02e03, Mon is always the first and the last person to put the blame on. ......

20141115, s02e03, Mon is always the first and the last person to put the blame on. ...... ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-25 21:39:16

20141122, s02e04, live in deep water and hot ...

20141122, s02e04, live in deep water and hot ... ...  (展开)
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订阅极品老妈 第二季的剧评