极品老妈 第二季的剧评 (27)

有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2014-11-22 23:42:31

20141122, s02e04, live in deep water and hot fire!

20141122, s02e04, live in deep water and hot fire!  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-15 22:12:50

20141115, s02e03, Mon is always the first and the last person to put the blame on.

20141115, s02e03, Mon is always the first and the last person to put the blame on. ...  (展开)
Jack 2014-11-07 22:02:33

20141107, s02e02, parents shall make good examples for their children, but after all, they shall liv

20141107, s02e02, parents shall make good examples for their children, but after all, they shall live together as a whole family. ...  (展开)
少先老队员 2017-09-26 13:21:26


后面几集每天就是母女俩吵架 为了邦尼不再sober而 吵 为了童年经历吵 感觉Christy有时候真的很烦。。如果是在b站之类的地方看,应该也会有很多人吐槽吧。。也许有人会说这就是现实生活?然而这是电视剧,现实生活大家天天都在过,没必要看个剧还要想那么多,多给一些笑点少让我...  (展开)
鱼幸福 2015-06-04 03:31:07


最后一集挺逗的,女主嫌弃自己的老妈,女主的两个孩子又都嫌弃女主。家族的命运,真的很难摆脱。 孩子是父母的复制品,父母的缺点 一般都会传给孩子。 这剧挺现实的,但是也挺逗的。这剧也同时说明 在美国,没有准备好做父母 包括物质准备 和心理准备,孩子长大以后也...  (展开)
Jack 2015-05-01 22:33:36

20150501, s02e22, mark but no comment...................

20150501, s02e22, mark but no comment...................  (展开)
Jack 2014-12-05 23:29:21

20141205, s02e06, kind-hearted people have good returns.

20141205, s02e06, kind-hearted people have good returns. ...  (展开)
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订阅极品老妈 第二季的剧评