露丝和亚历克斯的4星影评 (5)

韦成刚CMPak 2020-05-21 19:01:57



摩根弗里曼的声音是一种诱惑,蕴含着智慧和平静,一如他的《肖申克的救赎》。他扮演的Alex是一名小有才华的画家,与妻子Ruth相伴四十年,一直住在一个老式的5层公寓里,门前一条河流从城市中穿过,一座铁架桥横跨河上。 Alex每天带着小狗穿过熙熙攘攘的街道,和熟悉的老街坊热...  (展开)
海岸 2015-11-29 00:49:03


这一部可以算今年观影的好电影了,不到惊艳的程度但是温情满满,全程不仅会心还有由心的笑,感觉很棒,想到自己的外公外婆也想到自己将来和另外一半的生活,天啊,40年,好像一切都习以为常,一切都那么简单如意,一切都那么契合。 可这一切却花了多少时间去习惯,花了多少时间...  (展开)
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-04-14 02:36:16


「Artists really don't paint to satisfy "The market." Artists actually paint to satisfy themselves.」 「Why are you laughing at me? You're reminding me of that girl with the glasses that I painted so long ago. ↓ Yeah? Well, here she ie. And I'll thell yo...  (展开)
如鱼饮水 2016-04-20 22:25:30


「But seeing that young man,kneeling on the ground like that,it just make me realize that we are just like everybody else today.Getting all worked up over nothing.Why we are moving? What are we chasing?haven’t we built a good life?”」  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
changehqw 2017-03-16 17:50:53


When hot shot, Wall Street dealmaker JAI thinks of putting some pleasure into his 48 hour business trip to Mumbai, his young musician friend Sahil drops everything, including his boyfriend, to help him execute the perfect getaway. Hiking the hills and canyo...  (展开)
