牧场之家好做伴的影评 (19)

纪念罗伯特.阿尔特曼(Robert Altman)
看到消息说罗伯特.阿尔特曼在二十号病逝了。 前不久看了他的最后一部作品《牧场之家好作伴》A Prairie Home Companion,与以往一贯的讽刺和辛辣不同,在这部电影里处处洋溢着怀旧式的温馨,以及隐隐的伤感。联想到导演现在自己仙游去了,感觉是那么特别。 在《...

片名说是牧场之家,可是看了才发现这仅仅是一个关于电台节目的电影。 影片泛着怀旧色彩:演员多是老伙计,一个侦探的角色散发着旧日光彩,一个神秘的白衣金发女人让人想起希区柯克的老电影。。。 影片里关于乡村风格的音乐很多,民谣式的即兴演唱也不少,而身为中国观...

A Prairie Home Companion:含泪的微笑
"You don't want to be remembered?" "I don't want them to be told to remember me." 多么悠扬而甜美的电影!当最后一个音符落定的时候,APrairieHomeCompanion,这最后一集现场电台音乐秀将永远被人铭记;当然,包括展现了她的同名电影。 这是一次位于明尼苏达的一个小镇的...

You Don't Need To Know The Radio Show To Appreciate The Movie
No shocking twists, no passionate dramas, just endless conversations in the backstage of a live radio show that's lasted for 30 years. And of course, all those beautiful songs, the ones that wet your eyes and the ones that crack you up. All these presented ...

写给Robert Altman
昨天晚上知道Robert Altman去世的消息,错愕,吃惊,然后很想哭。 这个可爱的老头子,我一个月之前还见过他。 他曾经那么的近,忽然去了世界的那一头。 那是A Prairie Home Companion 的一个小型Q&A,我逃课过去,把看过的电影重温一遍。 问答的场地不大,人却挤的满满的。他... (展开)
You Don't Need To Know The Radio Show To Appreciate The Movie
No shocking twists, no passionate dramas, just endless conversations in the backstage of a live radio show that's lasted for 30 years. And of course, all those beautiful songs, the ones that wet your eyes and the ones that crack you up. All these presented ...

Can you really brethe through that?
不是特好看,但是很好听,歌曲还有男老主播的声音... 记住一句歌词:Why do you work so hard to get what you didn't even want...还有一个bad joke^_^