柏林生活的影评 (2)

听候清退旧精魂 2006-01-05 15:57:04

A disappointment

One of those do-gooder films that are ever so gentle to the main characters. So gentle, here, in fact, that an implausible crime has to be invented to justify the hero's man-slaughter, which is the source of all his subsequent travail. The obvious, and tre...  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
近似无限透明的蓝色 2009-05-11 15:01:32


《柏林生活》(Berlin is in Germany)让我想起Wolfgang Becker执导的那部《生活是你的所有》,同是一脉相承的德国导演,同是节奏缓慢的都市生活,缺乏跌宕起伏的悲欢离合或史诗式叙事手法的沧桑,现实生活重压下心酸无奈的渺小人生,却带来悲怆历史的缩影与感伤。 不...  (展开)
