吉米·卡尔:欢脱 短评

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1 bayer04 看过 2012-01-04 02:19:53

最好的comedy都是"no moral compass"...what a dilemma...

0 Persona 看过 2021-08-08 00:47:17

rape jokes 不会腻的

1 哪哪哪 看过 2011-12-29 07:08:26


0 罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉 看过 2012-04-15 18:40:18

i was awwwwwing all the time!!! 4 and a half stars.

2 赤琥珀 看过 2016-10-07 22:27:51

安可的时候还提到了Frankie Boyle。你俩真是同样擅长搞事情的好基友。讲笑话可以挑战道德极限,因为笑话不传达任何信息,你也不该学到任何东西。

0 看过 2020-08-24 20:02:12

BV1Hs411r7zs | “That’s the spirit!”

0 Fingerprints 看过 2018-11-20 23:52:20

its rude to talk with your mouth full-well its not full嘛呀哈哈哈i fucked a girl with one leg-should have used my cock;i asked gf if she wanted role play of rape fantasy-she said no!-i said that's the spirit 这个人的段子真的!

1 Crumbs 看过 2021-08-22 21:28:03

越看越会对Jimmy Carr 加分,因为他是在纯做喜剧,不管人设和说教,哪怕显得没品和得罪人。观众能完全撇开尴尬一起笑,不仅是本身素质高,感觉也是这种纯粹的喜剧引导的效果。

0 Armourland 看过 2012-12-09 16:39:10


0 牛奶配送员 看过 2020-09-03 21:54:43


1 Old Fart 看过 2011-11-27 20:07:49

a walking sickipedia!

0 Lucinde 看过 2017-07-29 09:08:34


0 墨尔本英语老师 看过 2014-10-21 21:45:30

i'm getting into his comedian style and dark humor more i thought i would

0 提壶 看过 2019-01-15 19:16:46

Jimmy Carr is so universal bottom line of moral standards for stand-ups

0 SteadytheBuffs 看过 2019-05-15 18:48:14

so rude so fun

1 Mamula 看过 2013-06-16 10:42:54

I am still not that much into Jimmy Carr and his one-liners

0 Cal 看过 2022-03-26 04:30:50

Birmingham's funeral director John's average day involves making coffins, doing funerals, collecting deceased

0 unkownyourself 看过 2018-10-05 00:47:37

he, is an acquired taste for me

0 张华弥 看过 2017-08-28 15:23:22


> 去 吉米·卡尔:欢脱 的页面

吉米·卡尔:欢脱 Jimmy Carr: Being Funny

地区: 英国

片长: 106分钟

上映: 2011

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