危机边缘 第四季的剧评 (77)

有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2012-04-29 15:12:06

20120429,s04e20, is it a helpless ending or prinsoner's diplomma? to keep oneself safe, have to

20120429,s04e20, is it a helpless ending or prinsoner's diplomma? to keep oneself safe, have to sacrifice another himself. we all lost ourselves.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-21 22:45:39

20120421,s04e19, holy shit! unexpected plot, cut across to the future, our descendants kill us, then

20120421,s04e19, holy shit! unexpected plot, cut across to the future, our descendants kill us, then our ancestors save us.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-21 22:45:23

20120421,s04e19, holy shit! unexpected plot, cut across to the future, our descendants kill us, then

20120421,s04e19, holy shit! unexpected plot, cut across to the future, our descendants kill us, then our ancestors save us.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-14 18:21:46

20120414,s04e18,love makes people vulnerable, but also makes people human.

20120414,s04e18,love makes people vulnerable, but also makes people human.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-08 14:08:45

20120408,s04e17, we face shapeshifter everyday, yesterday's subordinate, today's boss, yesterday's

20120408,s04e17, we face shapeshifters everyday, yesterday's subordinate, today's boss, yesterday's lover, today's stranger.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-02 16:42:01

20120402,s04e16,I want to evolve to pig, then I can understand what you think.

20120402,s04e16,I want to evolve to pig, then I can understand what you think.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-24 23:08:24

20120324,s04e15, let new version of me take over me, there is difference between love and being love

20120324,s04e15, let new version of me take over me, there is difference between love and being love  (展开)
Jack 2012-02-26 14:43:35

20120226,s04e14, go back to my timeline, go back to my Olivia, the way in front of me is not mine.

20120226,s04e14, go back to my timeline, go back to my Olivia, the way in front of me is not mine.  (展开)
Jack 2012-02-19 16:07:34

20120219,S04E13, there is alway a mirror image the other side of the world, this is our destiny of .

20120219,S04E13, there is alway a mirror image the other side of the world, this is our destiny of Gemini.  (展开)
Jack 2012-02-12 15:31:23

20120212,S04E12, we lost memory of love. but no matter what happens in the future, we shall face it

20120212,S04E12, we lost memory of love. but no matter what happens in the future, we shall face it together.  (展开)
Jack 2012-02-05 11:54:46

20120205,S04E11,anger ineviitably seems to be conjoined with emotional investment.

20120205,S04E11,anger ineviitably seems to be conjoined with emotional investment.  (展开)
Jack 2012-01-28 22:44:51

20120128,S04E10,The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

20120128,S04E10,The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.  (展开)
Jack 2012-01-16 22:52:00


20120116,S04E08,越来越凌乱的剧情,感觉是个大坑  (展开)
Jack 2011-11-23 23:45:37


20111123,s04e07,是我漏了一集,还是编剧又天马行空恣意乱搞?  (展开)
Jack 2011-11-13 21:59:08


20111113,s04e06,如果时光回到从前,我依然选择放弃 ...  (展开)
Jack 2012-01-22 17:13:27


20120122,S04E09,这一集又出现了个平行世界的反角,加上东野圭吾的<分身>,身为双子压力山大。  (展开)
年糕瘦 2012-05-13 16:39:49


终于季终 世界恢复了和平。我想说bell长得真挺像我姨姥姥的= = 但这一季演的真不怎么样 拖沓 没得编还要硬编 就像即将出炉的第五季 ,但是你要是演了 我也就看了 。看到最后的时候我觉得olive就跟个无敌女金刚似的 搞得科泰细分也变得异常神奇 我都想把它当口服液喝 一日两...  (展开)
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