谎言屋 第一季的剧评 (16)

之江 2012-12-08 19:33:49

有点类似 boston legal

在法律剧中,boston legal 比较注重花边新闻。还有一个无往不胜的律师,这显然是一种搞笑的方式来描述律师行业。 本剧也就是以一种搞笑的方式来描述咨询业,咨询业的钱有这么好挣吗,正是只说贼吃肉,不说贼挨打。  (展开)
Steven 2014-12-01 17:56:20

Remark on “House of lies” 谎言屋影评


第一季前6集, 30%时间讲了6个咨询案例,涉及咨询业技法和内幕很多: 公司没有问题,咨询师发现问题,获得长期合作订单。 私下交流(去夜店、吸毒品),抓住CFO、合伙人把柄。 交流方式:威胁,攻心。 30%同事间讨论泡妞和性 30%讲述Marty家庭、孩子的问题, 10% 回访。 脏话 ...  (展开)
白愁飞的非 2012-02-21 01:07:17


想做衣着光鲜的职业么? 投行精英? 做商务舱满世界飞? 工作之余还能泡个MM 或者去看stripper show? 想要一掷千金 醉生梦死? 想要年入百万人人羡慕? 不管是投行中的IBD 或者是做M&A 律师 Consulting Advisor 这部剧都可以给你提供一些经验和教训 这是光天化日之下最黑暗...  (展开)
Steven 2014-12-01 17:51:45

Remark on “House of lies” 谎言屋影评


第一季前6集, 30%时间讲了6个咨询案例,涉及咨询业技法和内幕很多: 公司没有问题,咨询师发现问题,获得长期合作订单。 私下交流(去夜店、吸毒品),抓住CFO、合伙人把柄。 交流方式:威胁,攻心。 30%同事间讨论泡妞和性 30%讲述Marty家庭、孩子的问题, 10% 回访。 脏话 ...  (展开)
Riobluemoon 2012-04-19 21:48:19


这片子开局很惊艳啊。但看着看着就有些乏力了。第一集里的机制和随机应变荡然无存,来来回回总是拿下半身开玩笑,看得多了也就那样~~恶意收购扯皮了这么多集,最后竟然这样结束真是没劲。其实挺喜欢APRIL的,不知道后面还会不会出来了~~  (展开)
Adrian Zhu 2012-01-17 13:32:26


这个我觉得不少上班族会追,还有那几位上完MBA的朋友……讲一家管理咨询公司怎么骗钱的故事,至少看看美剧级别的PPT是怎么做的吧?咨询公司跟广告公司真像,都知道客户其实并不需要我们,要不是因为他们自己太懒的话……唯一不像的是人家收费高的多。  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
momo 2017-11-15 14:41:08


《谎言满屋》(厚黑学) 《House of lies》是不单镜头情景喜剧。这剧有点厚黑学的味道,个人觉得Kristen Bell虽然个子不高,又是金发碧眼,可她本身却又带着一种很硬的气质,不太适合小鸟依人的美国甜心角色,《美眉校探》里的Veronica这种感觉的角色更适合他。这剧估计喜欢的...  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-31 22:15:04

20120331,s01e11, those who fool others are fooled by another others.

20120331,s01e11, those who fool others are fooled by another others.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-23 23:10:39

20120323, s01e10, the fucxing week, one and another meeting, endless lies.

20120323, s01e10, the fucxing week, one and another meeting, endless lies.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-20 23:29:03

20120320,s01e09, it is useless to take the women for granted, they need just lies.

20120320,s01e09, it is useless to take the women for granted, they need just lies.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-17 14:09:14

20120317,s01e08, demonstrate how a rookie turns into a sexy, dirty, and well-skilled machine.

20120317,s01e08, demonstrate how a rookie turns into a sexy, dirty, and well-skilled machine.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-11 23:33:45

20120311,s01e05, all clients have requirement or weakness.. If not, we make requirement or weakness.

20120311,s01e05, all clients have requirement or weakness.. If not, we make requirement or weakness.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-10 16:34:04

20120310,s01e02, it's hard to accept the expensive consultant for the professionals, rather than for

20120310,s01e02, it's hard to accept the expensive consultant for the professionals, rather than for the boss.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-06 00:03:41

20120406,s01e12, job ruin the family, and the boss turns out to be our parent.

20120406,s01e12, job ruin the family, and the boss turns out to be our parent.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-11 22:27:17

20120311,s01e04, a woman who takes on top sex position, usually has Electra complex.

20120311,s01e04, a woman who takes on top sex position, usually has Electra complex.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-10 17:03:39

20120310,s01e03, out big big boss asks us to treat our bank as our family again, I think he must be

20120310,s01e03, out big big boss asks us to treat our bank as our family again, I think he must be divorced again.  (展开)

订阅谎言屋 第一季的剧评