疑踪的剧评 (14)

若隐若现若曦 2012-04-04 15:01:21



我完全是因为宣传片才去看missing的,一口气看完了三集,觉得还不错,但是有个问题一直困扰我,三集的时间对于一部类似题材的电影其实都可以结局了,但是貌似这片子要10集结束,而且仅仅是第一季,第一季找到了又套着其他失踪?第二季又失踪?这是我看宣传片的时候就开始疑惑的...  (展开)
oaim 2012-05-02 13:57:53


看完第1集。我不禁心想,我为什么刚要花1个小时看这个老娘儿们在各种地方哭天抢地的。我干嘛看她就这么个不分场合动不动就抹眼泪儿的货硬是把牛高马大的特工弄废了,把她弄不废的特工长官给弄感动并放虎归山了。你也就感动你自己吧,没见过这么因母爱之名敷衍其他一切细节的。...  (展开)
银河列国纪 2017-06-08 01:27:17



转自本人多年前的一季玩完系列。 尽管早被砍了,我感觉整体素质还是相当高。 疑踪连续性,节奏的把握,剧情推进的速度,叙事的角度都不错,整体比未来闪影要好点。而且该剧有非常吸引我的元素--建筑。相信很多人会为刺客信条2塑造文艺复兴时期的意大利而倾倒,我也是如此。 ...  (展开)
绝命非毒师 2012-06-11 15:26:03



一、首先说明的是:本剧是一部中年妇女老妈版的007式特工剧,讲述的是退役CIA女干探Becca winstone在大学生儿子在欧洲被黑帮绑架失踪的突发情况下重出江湖纵横四海寻子杀敌的故事。 二、本剧剧情老套乏味,乏善可陈,带有明显的美式特工剧三俗套路。 1、兼职导游:特工们总...  (展开)
Adrian Zhu 2012-03-23 15:47:50


阿什莉贾徳参演的最新美剧,要我翻就翻成《最强老妈寻子记》。基本是电视版的Taken《飓风营救》,话说那里面的老爸是我的新偶像,太强了,比小强杰克鲍尔还强。除了上一贴提到的齐达内事件,其他还凑合,可以追看看。  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Jack 2012-05-19 22:55:26

20120519,s01e10, the last episode of Season I, it is a pity that we can not know how the hot Mom tor

20120519,s01e10, the last episode of Season I, it is a pity that we can not know how the hot Mom tortured the hot double-face Spy.  (展开)
Jack 2012-05-16 23:49:46

20120516,s01e09, the progress is too quick, the author knows there is no Season 2. Good actors.

20120516,s01e09, the progress is too quick, the author knows there is no Season 2. Good actors.  (展开)
Jack 2012-05-08 23:28:43

20120508,s01e08, everyone has unforgetable past, whether glory or sadness, but most can choose glory

20120508,s01e08, everyone has unforgetable past, whether glory or sadness, but most can choose glory to recall, only Gemini has no choice.  (展开)
Jack 2012-05-07 23:31:11

20120507,s01e05-e06, the sudden rain call off the date, let me read others' story. Rain~ falling in

20120507,s01e05-e06, the sudden rain call off the date, let me read others' story. Rain~ falling in my heart, never sunshine.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-07 16:09:21

20120407,s01e04,old plots, elder men, elder women, dead become alive, all for the child.

20120407,s01e04,old plots, elder men, elder women, dead become alive, all for the child.  (展开)
Jack 2012-04-06 23:34:38

20120406,s01e03, the writer made some flaws. Poor Judd and Bean, you are the only left.

20120406,s01e03, the writer made some flaws. Poor Judd and Bean, you are the only left.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-24 15:21:09

20120324,s01e02, a successful Chinese leader asks the staff to operate on instinct, passion and

20120324,s01e02, a successful Chinese leader asks the staff to operate on instinct, passion and fear,whereas a Western One asks for creativity and cool.  (展开)
Jack 2012-03-17 13:29:03

20120317,s01e01,.Ashley Judd, and Sean Bean, elderly, but more steady and noble.

20120317,s01e01,.Ashley Judd, and Sean Bean, elderly, but more steady and noble.  (展开)
Jack 2012-05-09 23:24:08

20120509,s01e08, I guessed the Italian, Giannini, is the bad boss, the zero suspect, the result is I

20120509,s01e08, I guessed the Italian, Giannini, is the bad boss, the zero suspect, the result is I am wrong again.  (展开)
