女王信使 短评

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0 lll_ronnie 想看 2022-07-29 02:13:19

1888年,最早的影像。 1928年,最早的电视剧。

0 ydm426 想看 2022-09-14 21:34:10 北京

First television dramatic program adapted play for which picture quality was so crude that all that was televised were faces of two actors alternating with shots of their hands. Before World War II,TV was a technical novelty mainly used to display public events, political speeches, Berlin Olympics, opening of 1939 World's Fair and live events.

0 Booking2023 想看 2015-07-01 14:40:05


0 史蒂芬妮張 想看 2022-02-22 14:35:40


> 去 女王信使 的页面

主演: Izetta Jewel

类型: 短片

地区: 美国

片长: 40分钟

上映: 1928

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