宋飞正传 第六季 Seinfeld Season 6 第4集 华裔女子
- 本集中文名: 华裔女子
- 本集原名: The Chinese Woman
- 播放时间: 1994-10-13 星期四 (当地时间)
- 剧情简介:
George's telephone line crosses with that of a woman named Donna Chang, and everyone seeks her advice when she convinces them that she's Chinese. Je ... rry winds up dating her. Things get worse when Frank and Estelle announce a separation. Jerry and Elaine can't seem to figure out why Frank Costanza is having mysterious business dealings with a man in a cape. 更多»
MYΜa 346天前
斗篷男应该是拉里大卫吧?这货好像时不时出现一下。。。记得第二季还是第三季好像,在电视机里穿锡箔带墨镜的好像也是他 0 有用 0回应
毯子姑娘 3911天前
哈哈哈,外国人眼中的“外国的月亮比较圆”啊~ 1 有用 0回应