梅林传奇 第二季 第11集 的全部讨论

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关于第11集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: The Witch's Quickening
  • 本集原名: The Witch's Quickening
  • 剧情简介: Mordred has aligned himself with the ruthless warlock Alvarr -who is determined to destroy Camelot and allow magic to reign again. To fight Uther, how ... ever, Alvarr must reclaim the Crystal of Neahtid– a precious magical relic of the Old Religion. Very few people can harness its power, but Alvarr believes Mordred can use it to further their cause, due to his strong magic.

    The crystal is safely locked up in Uther's vaults and many have lost their lives trying to reclaim it. Though Alvarr has a secret weapon – Morgana's powerful bond with the druid boy. Morgana has always protected Mordred, but will she go as far as turning into a thief and traitor to help him and the charismatic Alvarr?