免费赠品的影评 (2)

fireworker 2011-01-13 19:44:35

are we freebies?

just watched THE NOTEBOOK a couple of days ago. have to say that it's the purist and best love story. after all these i've been through, this is the first story that can bring out my tears again. i thought i wouldn't shed no single bit of tears to any stupi...  (展开)
阿童木的莫小默 2011-01-28 18:41:47

很真实 有时候只能是谎言

我也不知道为什么给这部写,只是有触动 片头是轻快的甜蜜的爱情场景, 但是爱情是有保质期的,有些过期了,两个人就散了; 有些升华了,变成了亲情,却暂时失去激情。人是贪婪的充满欲望的,这样沉闷并不是那么容易欣然接受的。 女性其实很敏感,毕竟从古至今为悦己者容这些...  (展开)
