This gritty and powerful police thriller is a classic stand-alone independent film. With good performances from Harvey Keitel (Reservoir Dogs, Bad Lieutenant) and John Lydon (former Sex Pistols frontman), Corrupt really is a one-off. As the film progresses, Leo Smith (Lydon) and Lieutenant Fred O'Connor (Keitel) engage in a vicious and engrossing psychological battle of wills i...
This gritty and powerful police thriller is a classic stand-alone independent film. With good performances from Harvey Keitel (Reservoir Dogs, Bad Lieutenant) and John Lydon (former Sex Pistols frontman), Corrupt really is a one-off. As the film progresses, Leo Smith (Lydon) and Lieutenant Fred O'Connor (Keitel) engage in a vicious and engrossing psychological battle of wills in a sadistic game where they are both dependent on each other. As for the Director, Faezna's direction seems as good as any of the excellent Italian films of the day, effortlessly moving from smooth exterior compositions to the angular perfection of the prison-like apartment. BAFTA award winning Ennio Morricone reinforces this precision with an excellent score full of mechanical percussion mixed with a whispy guitar lead which underscores the foreign presence of Lydon. Music plays a very important role in Corrupt, especially the strange country music track "Tchaikovsky's Destruction" which is played throughout the entire film to emphasise the changes occurring to the characters.
弑警犯的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 36 条 )
8 有用 Virgil 看过 2020-08-15 22:09:57
8 有用 空想乐观 看过 2023-08-13 04:15:30 重庆
12 有用 Vesper鹿 看过 2021-07-27 14:38:49
80s到底有有多少被低估的宝藏(好嗑)电影。最大的缺点是全片的主题没阐明,正如两位男主的动机,只能用“一位施暴爱好者和一位严重受虐倾向者之间渐生情愫”解释,影片中也很大胆地将其中的病态与色情展现得淋漓尽致,作为此方面爱好者直呼过瘾。Harvey真好看,可惜整个人偏温柔,演施暴戏缺乏说服力,整个人的风格也偏直男。烂牙把leo这个角色演绎得不错。开头便识出莫里康内的配乐,用乡村改编老柴太厉害。另外,在... 80s到底有有多少被低估的宝藏(好嗑)电影。最大的缺点是全片的主题没阐明,正如两位男主的动机,只能用“一位施暴爱好者和一位严重受虐倾向者之间渐生情愫”解释,影片中也很大胆地将其中的病态与色情展现得淋漓尽致,作为此方面爱好者直呼过瘾。Harvey真好看,可惜整个人偏温柔,演施暴戏缺乏说服力,整个人的风格也偏直男。烂牙把leo这个角色演绎得不错。开头便识出莫里康内的配乐,用乡村改编老柴太厉害。另外,在本片看到了很多落水狗同人文的桥段。 (展开)
1 有用 罗西基 看过 2019-08-06 21:06:04
7 有用 Melancholy 看过 2023-08-14 03:24:12 俄罗斯
补标/烂牙的演技惊到了我,可能这个角色是他百分百本色出演,做自己就行,酸性英音阴阳怪气,聪明漂亮、自恋欠草,贯会装可怜骗人,阴柔但又神经质。哈维尔是男子气概拉满又被美丽贱货死死拿捏的深柜,虽然烂牙从头被哈维尔打到尾,但他才是关系的主控,哈维尔的警察一直很被动,就……很好磕的内在张力。配乐是莫里康内所以我死也没想到这阵容到底是怎么搭起来的,剧情虽然不连贯但观感居然也还可以,除了人物动机外逻辑基本没问... 补标/烂牙的演技惊到了我,可能这个角色是他百分百本色出演,做自己就行,酸性英音阴阳怪气,聪明漂亮、自恋欠草,贯会装可怜骗人,阴柔但又神经质。哈维尔是男子气概拉满又被美丽贱货死死拿捏的深柜,虽然烂牙从头被哈维尔打到尾,但他才是关系的主控,哈维尔的警察一直很被动,就……很好磕的内在张力。配乐是莫里康内所以我死也没想到这阵容到底是怎么搭起来的,剧情虽然不连贯但观感居然也还可以,除了人物动机外逻辑基本没问题,画面和光影没得说,充满上世纪意大利电影阴暗又新潮的特殊风格,加上莫里康内你追我赶如鬼魂追逐般的配音,简直好得不能再好! (展开)