我终究无法放下你:当代情绪化历史 短评
2 有用 Mercury 看过 2021-06-23 19:08:38
第一部亚当·柯蒂斯,的确是艺术价值大于现实价值。柯蒂斯自己秉持着反阴谋论的立场,可他自己的很多叙述倒是颇具阴谋论色彩,真耶?假耶?不得而知。这个时代的最大特点就是真相和谎言难解难分地纠缠在一起,没有权威,没有原位,人们就这样堕入不确定性的无底深渊中,无法自救。在这个意义上,柯蒂斯混乱、碎片化的剪辑技术倒是真实地反映出这个世界的原貌。 该何去何从?柯蒂斯给出了他的答案:不要试图去追寻一个事件的原因,那很可能毫无意义,要去关注事件之间的pattern和秩序。相对而言,这是更为稳固的基点。 PS:本片的BGM和BBC的档案库堪称双绝!谁看谁知道!
2 有用 Clairvoyant 看过 2021-08-17 21:33:03
Culture revolution配上The Raveonettess还真挺带感的
1 有用 Dubliners 看过 2023-07-09 15:22:02 美国
The rise of individualism as the social watershed which undermines the collective bargaining power of the mass population. It forces politicians to either align with big banks/technocrats( neoliberalism) or retreat into the mystical sense of past( extreme right wing politics). 大的论点没问题且阐述得很清楚,部分某国内容还是有些野史瞎掰的成分…
1 有用 Sophieven 看过 2021-07-15 18:25:24
Painting the throughlines. It does offer quite a refreshing perspective different from all the pedantic academic discourses. Though I'm not sure it's so much an "emotional" history because the approach is still taking a distance from the individuals' experiences.
0 有用 soyoungsogone 看过 2021-03-17 08:33:40
看了十分钟先五星预订 pretty fucking incredible就这叙事能力真的服气 看完竟然有一丝optimism怎么做到的 只能疯狂推荐所有人了
0 有用 十九。 看过 2021-07-24 00:36:24
so trippy love all the footages. my comfort blanket and also my depression. i think we are going on a adam curtis road trip now. “the ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.” —> great ending quote, dont wanna really kill you with depression
0 有用 过热·钢筋 看过 2021-12-09 22:00:57
The beauty is less important than the will and power. This seems so correct when applying to some women who have that kind of pose. Piecemeal cutting and editing combined together to show a vague topic about what we see and the mystery about mind. The BGM is fantastically amazing.
18 有用 松鼠排队 看过 2021-02-14 07:25:08
BBC为了庆祝春节也是操碎了心。Adam Curtis果然还是跟主流西方媒体人一样,对中国和俄罗斯带着恶意的揣测并把这种揣测当作事实来谈论。所以他对中国和俄罗斯的批评显得格外无力,对西方的抨击倒是一针见血。主题上可以看作是The Century of Self的延续。配乐剪辑一如既往五星好评。