翩翩起舞 第一季 短评

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0 Jus 看过 2021-02-26 22:41:08

好像太artsy flow了有点没被抓住没燃感 "The camera’s eye roves over the dancers’ bodies, and overlaid on the images are headlines, in bold orange letters. The words announce the themes: “Transgressions,” “Struggle,” “Meaning,” like an inspirational poster. The dancers behind them simply become moving watermarks."

0 青緽 看过 2024-01-05 21:04:43 中国台湾

Israel Galván的flamenco太惊艳了,也是唯一能看下去的一集,Netflix的套路拍法白瞎了这么多好舞者。

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翩翩起舞 第一季 Move Season 1

类型: 纪录片

地区: 美国

片长: 47分钟

首播日期: 2020-10-23(美国)

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