剃头刀-阿签传奇 第3集 的全部讨论

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关于第3集 · · · · · ·

  • 本集名称: Painted Faces
  • 本集原名: Painted Faces
  • 剧情简介: 阿签和阿对加入新赛凤歌仔戏团,阿签用心学习,阿对则没有兴趣。班主魏文的哥哥魏成对阿对心怀不轨,乘机接近她。阿娥因与男友约会而演出迟到,令阿隆和阿财不满,为了准时开锣,阿隆让阿签代替阿娥上场,阿签初尝登上舞台的滋味。

    Ah Chiam and Ah Dui join the Wayang Tro
    ... upe Sin Sai Hong, Ah Chiam puts in effort to learn while Ah Dui is uninterested. Ah Long and Ah Zai are unhappy with Ah Ngor for being late to the show as she was on a date with her boyfriend, thus Ah Long gets Ah Chiam to replace Ah Ngor in order for the show to start on time. Ah Chiam experiences the feeling of being on the stage for the first time. 更多»