The Ghosts and the Escarlate is set in a wool factory. The voice of human is not coming from the workers, but from the narration delivered through voiceover of a man telling a story of a business rivalry hundreds years ago. The camera explores and browses the rooms...
The Ghosts and the Escarlate is set in a wool factory. The voice of human is not coming from the workers, but from the narration delivered through voiceover of a man telling a story of a business rivalry hundreds years ago. The camera explores and browses the rooms inside the factory from awkward angles, The imagination and fantasy of the audience are challenged to believe and understand a place they never think before.
幽灵与幻影的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 2 条 )
0 有用 海角飞鱼 看过 2019-12-08 18:37:29
0 有用 断了气儿 看过 2019-12-08 10:17:14