万物生灵 第一季 All Creatures Great and Small Season 1 第6集 治愈所有疾病的方法
- 本集中文名: 治愈所有疾病的方法
- 本集原名: A Cure for All Ills
- 播放时间: 暂无,欢迎添加
- 剧情简介:
James feels guilt over a cow a farmer purchased based on his recommendation, which is now morbidly ill with an abscess, and which he feels powerless ... to cure. Tristan becomes a zealous advocate for a risky procedure, which Siegfried, as head of the practice, strictly forbids. Tristan manages an overwhelmed surgery as best he can, whilst Siegfried is taken with flu. At James' surprise birthday party, Maggie, the barmaid breaks off her tenuous relationship with Tristan, citing his lack of seriousness. Encouraged by Helen, James flees his birthday party to perform surgery on the morbidly ill cow, assisted by Tristan, which Siegfried reluctantly agrees to after initially attempting to stop it. Later, at the Drover's Arms, Siegfried promotes James to Senior Vet. 更多»
越看越有意思 827天前
纳威(Hugh)的外套太大了 0 有用 0回应
绯泉 1243天前
最后一幕四人一起回家,感觉像一家人,真的很暖 1 有用 0回应
Al 1369天前
-Mrs Hall: Are you even listening to me?
-Siegfried: I was.
-Mrs Hall: And ?
-Sigfried: I think you should be in fourth.
哈哈哈哈,Sigfried神烦啊。 0 有用 0回应
绝望眉毛子 1519天前
休贱兮兮的,果然诊所的米娜才是真爱啊 0 有用 0回应
黑质白章 1535天前
会有第二季吧,期待 0 有用 0回应