The editor of a New York exploitation newspaper meets the wife he had abandoned years ago, while using another name, at a LonelyHearts ball sponsored by his newspaper. She threatens to expose him as a wife-deserter, wife-beater and an impostor, and, in anger, he hits her with his fist and accidentally kills her. Later, when her body is found, he assigns his protégé reporter to ...
The editor of a New York exploitation newspaper meets the wife he had abandoned years ago, while using another name, at a LonelyHearts ball sponsored by his newspaper. She threatens to expose him as a wife-deserter, wife-beater and an impostor, and, in anger, he hits her with his fist and accidentally kills her. Later, when her body is found, he assigns his protégé reporter to the story, as a good, exploitable follow-up story to the ball. And, then, he is forced to sit back and watch while the reporter slowly tracks down the killer.
凶案连载的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 111 条 )
9 有用 电影云云 看过 2014-11-01 22:14:05
2 有用 日落黄沙 看过 2017-02-28 22:59:29
1 有用 stknight 看过 2020-05-22 00:01:59
改编自塞缪尔·富勒的小说The Dark Page。这男主真是自己把自己玩死了,手下人太能干也不是好事,结局也很讽刺。
0 有用 Amushi 看过 2011-11-24 00:31:17
Fuller的轉折、Karlson的簡潔 ... 夫復何求?4.5
2 有用 赱馬觀♣ 看过 2019-03-25 11:22:16
改编自获奖小说《暗黑之页》,但该书作者塞缪尔富勒并不是此片导演?值得注意的是,卡尔森/富勒并没明确否定为迎合逐利而不断越界的现场采编方式,年轻男主在追踪孤心命案过程中依然将自己视作“隐形警徽”的佩戴者(偷拿胸针&违规尸检)!这就把通常此类题材最容易走向的“如此行事必将自我毁灭”的左派意识形态(比如吉伦哈尔的夜行者)拉回到了右翼保守倾向:规矩和方式并不重要,决定善恶本质的是个体自身!……不过老实说,... 改编自获奖小说《暗黑之页》,但该书作者塞缪尔富勒并不是此片导演?值得注意的是,卡尔森/富勒并没明确否定为迎合逐利而不断越界的现场采编方式,年轻男主在追踪孤心命案过程中依然将自己视作“隐形警徽”的佩戴者(偷拿胸针&违规尸检)!这就把通常此类题材最容易走向的“如此行事必将自我毁灭”的左派意识形态(比如吉伦哈尔的夜行者)拉回到了右翼保守倾向:规矩和方式并不重要,决定善恶本质的是个体自身!……不过老实说,这故事编的多少有点狗血。业绩主编的个人黑历史,酒鬼老者拿到当票的巧合,都太过强加感和戏剧化,本身的品相就好像片中间或闪现的报纸头条耸动命案! (展开)