From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a President, 500 YEARS tells a sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala's recent history through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.
五百年玛雅历史的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 2 条 )
0 有用 K 看过 2018-01-12 10:10:40
0 有用 L'llariit 看过 2021-07-27 21:42:11
片尾总结和篇幅的累积作为三部曲收官和片名作对应稍显力不从心,桌面电影元素使用增强临境感并回击政府对媒体的审查和操纵,P1结束前随机采访街头吃瓜群众矢口否认82屠杀有那味儿了,高潮在P3,百日上街抗议和两人因La Línea丑闻倒台,完成与archive footage的接力,特别是在Arévalo&Árbenz领导下的民主革命,极其珍贵并且奢侈是被拿出拯救本部的杀手锏