约翰·伯格:观看的艺术的影评 (2)

ichbinluz 2018-01-15 17:33:03

John Berger相关(4) 纪录片(2016)

关于约翰·伯格的另一部记录短片,2016年BBC播出的。 影片由约翰伯格描述他的白内障切除手术开始: 切除白内障,类似于一种视觉的复苏。 话音渐入:The removal of cataracts on the eyes is comparable with the removal of a particular form of forgetfulness. Your eyes beg...  (展开)
有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
kipuka 2017-02-21 22:38:57

I send you this Cadmium Red.

John Christie: Yesterday I went to a funeral, someone I didn’t really know very well, and during hthe service before the cremation I was looking at the flowers, some in vases and some in jars arranged on the steps before the lectern where the Rabbi stood. ...  (展开)
