生命线 短评

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0 [已注销] 看过 2020-10-11 10:33:52


0 bsnsk 看过 2017-11-17 10:07:15

看的第一部Red original...可能也是最后一部吧

0 枫叶🍁 看过 2020-07-27 12:27:39

我不知道我是否需要豆瓣 或者知乎 或者… I wanna save myself more time on doing meaningful things. The technology will have cost me at least a year of my precious life when I reach fifty years of age. I would rather use that time to read books, to go to national parks, to travel around, to look at the starry sky... Leave it behind, and you’ll reach greater things.

0 FluorineDog 看过 2019-03-08 02:23:30


0 Crookzhanks 看过 2021-02-17 01:23:50


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生命线 Lifeline

导演: 尼科·普金格

类型: 科幻, 惊悚

地区: 美国

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