Chelsea Peretti: One of the Greats (2014)
以下片单推荐 · · · · · · ( 全部 )
- Stay home and stand the fuck up (2laine)
- 也许有一天我会想看一看 (阿特拉斯抠抠脚)
- Female Stand-up Comedians (momo)
- 喂,有点娱乐精神好不好?! (奔得很辛苦)
- 我看过的评价人数少于1000的冷门电影 (Young)
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Chelsea Peretti: One of the Greats的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 56 条 )
2 有用 byefelicia 看过 2015-01-09 16:24:14
If you really want to piss off a really hot girl, like a model-hot girl, go onto her social media, find a photo where she looks smoking hot, and you're just a regular girl. Go onto her comment and jus... If you really want to piss off a really hot girl, like a model-hot girl, go onto her social media, find a photo where she looks smoking hot, and you're just a regular girl. Go onto her comment and just be like, "People say I just like you." (展开)
0 有用 Kreuzberg 看过 2015-04-09 01:24:46
0 有用 石狩川 看过 2018-07-16 19:24:37
Enough with the random shit happening in the audience like literally omg
1 有用 毛毛猫 看过 2017-12-19 08:49:59
1 有用 Annieangel 看过 2018-02-05 12:22:37
给Gina比心:作为female comedian点出一直以来让我略在意的“男性被社会赋予了讲笑话的特权”这个点。想写出standup comedy把办公室里所有吐槽过的男性再嘲笑一遍。