螺旋码头 短评

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0 Pincent 看过 2019-11-21 16:50:40

@西岸艺术中心 《时间的形态》特展 想拍这种短片!

0 看过 2015-05-01 13:11:06

Robert Smithson和朋友们自己拍摄的Spiral Jetty的纪录片,并且把这个30分钟的短片也做成了一件art work. 的确,通篇谈太阳谈天谈地谈水谈路,就是不谈艺术和艺术史,很聪明。

1 雷蒙在鼓里 看过 2023-01-24 11:11:17 美国

炫目的太阳耀斑 映在盐湖明镜般水面的石螺旋中心 迷人的眩晕 分不清是星云还是大地

0 XC 看过 2019-01-25 11:05:54

Helicopter scene really opens up new perspective on spiral jetty to me. The reflection of sun at the center of spiral jetty connects back to the beginning. And also the fact that we’re standing not on the ground but the actual surface of the earth, which is a lonely object in the universe.

0 金桢辜 看过 2015-11-26 06:03:29

0 (yi) 看过 2015-10-28 23:29:08

Kinda torture by the helicopter sound but still awesome documentation

0 阿卡德米娅 看过 2021-07-25 19:13:37


0 叉叉小箭猪 看过 2021-04-12 07:53:46


0 hellst 看过 2020-06-30 14:44:41


0 country bread 看过 2021-11-29 11:10:52

very nice - but the screening was really a bit torturing…

0 Predawn. 看过 2020-10-11 21:49:55


0 チンアナゴ 看过 2016-04-08 03:03:30


1 玉椒龍 看过 2021-02-07 22:50:36

好chill。他在螺旋防浪堤上跑啊跑啊跑啊跑到尽头的那段真的感觉到了他的满意和自由………粉色超美!(如果所有外国人讲述事情都像他讲述站在螺旋中心往哪里看都是mud-salt crystal-rocks-water一样就好了^^;

0 豚豚翔 看过 2017-02-18 15:22:33


0 Wow 看过 2023-09-28 20:35:56 挪威

"Size determines an object, but scale determines art. A room could be made to take on the immensity of the solar system. Scale depends on one’s capacity to be conscious of the actualities of perception. When one refuses to release scale from size, one is left with an object or language that appears to be certain. For me scale operates by uncertainty." - Robert Smithson