哈利法克斯最后的探戈 第二季的剧评 (2)

anna0319 2015-01-13 22:07:10



她说拉弗象她爸,那她是随妈?这不可能啊。她爸妈挺幸福啊。 卡洛琳把自己的生活弄得一团糟,可以有理由说不知道如何处理男女之间的关系或者与他人的关系,毕竟她父母关系糟糕,这种阴影的确会影响孩子。 只是她也不象天生同,至少是个双。她乱七八糟的生活...  (展开)
Hellenes 2022-09-01 20:10:27

the pursuit of happiness is not always smooth

I do interested in the lifestyles of English countryside,that always makes me feel like in my hometown. well,I have to say that it is quite different from the American cities' life. I love many characters in this show such as Caroline,Celia and so on.it is ...  (展开)

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