乡巴佬希尔一家的幸福生活 第二季 King of the Hill Season 2 第21集
- 本集中文名: 暂无,欢迎添加
- 本集原名: Life in the Fast Lane, Bobby's Saga
- 播放时间: 1998-05-03 星期天 (当地时间)
- 剧情简介:
In order to make Bobby learn the importance of hard work, Hank gets Bobby a job at the local race track as a drink-boy, under the management of an i ... ncompetent boss. Bobby desperately tries to convince his father that his boss is an idiot, Hank is convinced Bobby simply is isn't applying himself enough and makes him continue working for the man. Descision and an oversight, on Hank's part, that may put Bobby's life in dire jeopardy. 更多»
砒霜拌飯 3141天前
这集我开始喜欢Boomhauer了 0 有用 0回应
砒霜拌飯 3141天前
乐死了这集 Hank说 Bobby你早晚要知道这个 有一天我也会死 当那天到来之前 你都别想去烹饪学校 哈哈哈哈乐死了 0 有用 0回应